A Fistful of Haiku in Yellow (Haiku) by HaikuMofo
Why stretch you earlobes
until they touch your shoulders?
Lobe-Fucker fetish.
Skaters make movies
hoping to proove that just once
they landed a move.
The Girl in Yellow,
She gave me a Sunflower.
I should have said more.
The Sunflower Girl,
I should have asked for her name.
I am such a dope.
Could Flower-girl be
a new Haiku Muse for me,
and replace Markie?
Do I look silly
with a flower on my coat?
Oh yeah? Well Fuck you!
Beggars are grateful
whenever I give them change.
How can I use this?
Fucking Windows sucks.
An open Gate for Trojans,
not ones named Hektor.
Installation Charge
of one-hundred fifty bucks.
Fuck Bell Canada.
There is a hot girl
sleeping in my room tonight,
in Fredericton.
To find a new Muse
I would have to see that Muse
more than just one time.
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