The Service (Free verse) by forestchild7
Depending on where you sit,
you can see the sunlight streaming in,
turning everything from black to gold...
It's shining down through the windows,
turning this somber occasion
into something special...
As the person continues their speech,
the people gathered for the ceremony
continue to weep and wail in anguish...
It's never a pleasant event,
and I know many wish it were over already...
The choir of angels are singing,
yet nobody can hear them...
The clouds are rumbling,
and ready to let go of their load...
The people head outside for the finality,
which is the most grevious of all...
The heavy body,
the empty shell,
is now laid to rest in a tomb of wood...
And the marker at the head of the grave
has the finality of a bomb...
"The Fairy-Tale has come to an end..."
it murmurs into the wind,
where only spirits and ghosts hear it...
The rain starts dripping,
as if echoing the crying of all the souls
touched by this one being...
They bow their heads in memory,
and hope the pain will ebb to the past
hopefully one of these days...
And yet the soul of the one who died
looks on with a sad face,
knowing he can not console those who miss him...
He turns and cries out,
"Why me, Great Spirit? Why me?"
but the mortals near him
only hear the thunder and rain,
while he stands alone,
weeping his own death...
***July 18th, 2002***
***Dedicated to Jason Osceola***
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