SomeOne Special (Free verse) by sk8rs_rule_all
someone special but now is not.
Like a stuffed animal or a toy robot.
Almost ike that dusty picture in your
dresser droor. I could see your
face out of a crowd of a thousand,
but now i cannot. Someone special,
I thank you for the flowers that
you gave me, But inside the tulip
was a bee, and my lip was swollen
for a week. Like the hole in my
sock is like the hole in my heart.
You once filled that hole in my
heart. But now it is empty again.
Your picture is in my room, still.
I look at it everyday, But there
is no change. Older and older i get
and younger and younger you shall
stay in my heart, and also in your
pictures. I write poems in dedication
to you but this one is no different.
The flowers you gave me are still
on display in my front room.
I miss you so much and missing you
i shall stay in my heart forever.
At night the stars form your face
and in the morning the roses
form your eyes. Well this is all
i have to say today tomorrow and
forever. Another one will be
dedicated to my one and only...
true someone
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