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This Night (Free verse) by adrenalize
This night Is never going to happen again This night, this love Lets make it last for eternity Everything in our hearts We let it flow without a word Our lips silent as we make love With our eyes Just staring at each other The things we want to say And all this takes our entire lifetimes Even forever is too short for us I’m within you You’re within me And whether we have anything else This feeling, is all we need Just staring at each other The things we want to say And all this takes our entire lifetimes Even forever is too short for us Lost in a moment Is how our lives are spent Your hand in mine, mine in yours Is how we celebrate being alive This night Is never going to happen again This night, this love Lets make it last for eternity

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 13, 2005 12:12 PM PDT
gregsamsa22224.215.163.1881July 13, 2004 3:38 PM PDT
Tintagiles142.166.239.75October 7, 2003 8:47 AM PDT

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