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A true love (Free verse) by prettykristah
What I was looking for when I found you, Was a love to touch my heart so true. I loved you with every breath of my soul, But our differences spun out of control. At a point you meant the world to me, But it couldn?t go on, you must agree. Why spend you life in constant pain, When comfort and security were all to remain. God did I love you with all of my heart, But sometimes I was happier when we were apart. Arguments and violence started to consume our lives, But one simple thing still survives. In the back of my heart you will always remain, But one thing I can?t forget is the pain. Something?s always missing when you?re not around, Something that almost makes me break down. I needed you, because you made me whole, Now one thing that?s missing is a part of my soul. You took a big part of me when you left, But there?s still one thing I will never regret. I?d do it all over a million times, No matter how steep I had to climb. Now that we can no longer exist, I want you to know you are truly missed. You cared for me and that means a lot. A love like that is never forgot. So please don?t ever lose thought of me, I?m begging you now on bended knee. Our loving relationship was truly real, I promise in time your wounds will heal. But Kristah and Matt will stay in mind, A sweet smell of CURVE will always remind, Of my first true love and very best friend, My thought of you, Matt, will never end. Think of me when you listen to GLYCERINE, And remember to keep that damn room clean. When you sing TOOL, you know I?ll be there, Those special moments we had, can?t compare. So much time spent together, I loved you for sure, But the fighting overcame; the hardest to endure. Remember freshman year, no one could tear us apart, Those memories stick out most in my heart. Through all the good times and the bad, Thinking of yesterdays makes me sad. It?s hard to keep going day after day, Take comfort in knowing that I?ll find a way. I will never forget Matthew James Hyde, There?s been so many nights that I have cried. But as I?ve said it only gets better from here, On the other hand you say things aren?t as they appear. It?s hard each day without my very best friend, But all good things must come to an end. We went through so much in these past three years, Will you always be there to dry my tears? To Matthew James Hyde I leave a part of my soul, Through it all I still consider you half of my whole.

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 23, 2005 7:56 AM PDT
zodiac67.240.211.814March 21, 2004 7:18 PM PST
babyBOOMER152.163.188.22810March 18, 2003 7:51 PM PST

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