Everyday Phoenix (Other) by AtalantaPendragonne
Amid the wintry gray of ashes
slumber red and glowing embers
A breeze, a twig, again they flare
Feed them an once more have flame
Bask in the warmth of fire's glow
Alight `neath the shelter of hovering smoke
As from the rising plume of smoke
Settles soot like blackened ashes
Still the dancing fire does glow
And within the smoldering embers
Give birth to ever-renewing flame
That show fresh light with every flare
Red and gold play in each flare
Beneath the canopy of smoke
The shimmering light of flame
As below the redder embers
Keep their softer deeper glow
And by its light the night shall glow
Brighter still with every flame
That embraces hidden embers
And gusts clouds of darkening smoke.
And beneath, the glowing embers,
The legacy of each new flame
And so we sit to gaze at flame
Lighting our faces with its glow
And poke our sticks into the ashes
To be rewarded by a flare
Belching tendrils of thickened smoke
And rolling lumps of sullen embers
And once again it falls to embers
To be the seed of rising flame
And the final wisps of smoke
Above their fading, dying glow-
No more the gaudy light of flare
Dancing above the quiet ashes.
And while the patient embers sleep in a blanketing crimson glow
Once more the flame may yet flare
And new smoke rise again from ashes.
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