Great Waters of End (Lyric) by marvelis
All is black till the eye can no longer see
Here I am where never did I think I'd be
The Great Waters are around me
And increasing
And incoming
With every moment and night that goes by
The Great Waters get deeper and deeper, says I
And now when everything has come to be
I have to see,
I am afraid of drowning,
And swimming.
I dearly do not wish to drown,
For I want to see one more dawn;
To see the dawn once more, a desire so great,
Increasing with incredible rate.
But yet still moments come when I am
ready to swim and survive
That the fear takes over and I stay and wait
to die.
As the Great Waters upon me commence,
I think and feel like an ass.
Why oh why can I not attempt to live?
And on this eve,
I think the Great Waters are to at
last drown me.
So I see that now is it, in order to live,
But how oh how can it be done,
What could never before be done?
But it must be done or I will no longer be,
And it must be done by me.
So now the act that was impossible
Becomes the act that is likeable,
To come to be done.
But why does it seem so hard for me to turn
it on?
Whatever the cause,
Whatever it may cost,
I must.
For the Great Waters are a comest.
And on this eve
Of all the eve
The time is here
And I must live.
~~Also please check out and read my other poems which can be found at
the bottom of my profile. Thanks.~~
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