Pools and Eden's Apples (Free verse) by Ketiak
I miss you.
Waiting for SMS alert,
eager to turn and revert
back before the apples
strain, bled juice so sour.
Friendship is fleeting,
not a fruit where tasting
taboos are permanent
and texture is parchment.
Separate from reality
is deep pools of self-pity.
drowning is but an option,
so snap out of this notion.
The joy of companionship is not an illusion but
we need respite and now it is the time to eschew
parlour tricks and ban smoke & mirrors from our show.
Shall I make the first move?
Scant chance you'll disapprove
seeking for serenity's sake,
intoxicating, a whiff of grace.
And grace I need of you and grace I want of you.
Amazing, amazing, utterly amazing.
Pools and Eden's Apples.
Do you miss me too?
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