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Let me let me go (Free verse) by Eric Johnson
From a lover to a friend to a memory, I had to let her go eventually, for her, as well as myself. ------ On a perfect morning in September, back in 1998, I went to my new place of learning, with nothing yet at stake. I ventured into, my favorite class, and took a glance around, How odd that one year later, I'd be amazed at what I found. But time grew older, as did I, I began to lose that shimmer, in my eyes. And as reality, slowly set in, I somehow let myself be beaten, For now, among the success and things, I feel my life's been eaten. Nibbled slowly, with each tear, of regret that slowly clears my face, A little faster, with each month, where I no longer felt her warm embrace. And yet I've got, a blue-eyed girl, of my very own to hold, I can't help but feel, despite her love, her young daddy, is very old. And asleep, there lies a woman, who only knows love for this man, And here lie I, cold and thoughtful, about how I need to play this hand. For if life is but a game of poker, what does one do when all's at stake, For if I fold, I have no home, and I fear it might be my worst mistake. But if I bluff, I might live, to play another of life's hands, But with that new, set of cards, will come a new set of demands. And who knows, they might weigh more, and that's to be expected, How ironic, is it now, one who lived to protect, is now protected. And so Gentle Lord, I ask for guidance, for a man at crossroads, needs but a wind, That is caring in nature, but wiser with age, and can guide to reality, a man who pretends. One who a year ago, said to know all, It's amazing how dynasties, tragically fall. But with hope and your guidance, perhaps there's support, And room for some growth, for a man who fell short. So Lord with this memory, I ask that you seal, What lies in the past, so I can live for what's real. And that somewhere along, the path, I must mend, I ask that you help me, replace my best friend.

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 12, 2005 1:58 PM PDT
Anonymous62.254.0.324July 15, 2004 9:57 AM PDT
Tintagiles142.166.239.71October 7, 2003 8:54 AM PDT
Anonymous195.92.194.184August 7, 2002 1:45 PM PDT
Redfin66.168.139.2516July 22, 2002 1:25 AM PDT
Jill Stockinger209.162.37.685July 14, 2002 2:45 PM PDT
Anonymous12.13.226.981July 11, 2002 12:48 PM PDT
forestchild7216.77.209.459July 9, 2002 3:21 PM PDT

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