Report Card (Free verse) by Rex Karrs
Today, the classes end.
The exodus of students
Casts a hush upon this room,
This room so recently abuzz,
Echoing the cacophony
Of saw
And voice.
The cuckold machines
Sit silent,
Idle and patient.
Under this stark California sun,
Julie takes her place with the other faculty.
Wine, warm and wet,
Spills past their lips
As they cruise the
Folding table islands
Dotting this ocean
Of tarmac and lawn,
Toasting the season's end,
Nibbling the occasional carrot and cracker
Dims into evening.
In scattered clumps
They finally disperse
All too eager to embrace
The new freedoms of summer.
At 1:45 the next afternoon she arrives in our doorway.
Straps of a half-hidden bra
snake over the top of her book bag.
Her eyes greet my gaze with a look of panic.
I stagger backwards slightly and sink
Into our supple sofa;
Comprehension becoming incendiary,
Stinging my now wet eyes.
It is report card day.
This moment between us is my Final Grade.
I have just flunked out of this most venerable institution.
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