Universal Musings (Free verse) by blu143
I used to look up into the sky
And all I saw were dots of light
And the Moon
And I never gave them much thought
Always there, hovering in the sky
As long as I could remember
And long after I am gone
Like a guardian angel she is there
Looking down on me
Like a picture suspended from an unseen ceiling
But now I look past the ceiling
And I realize that my little world is so small
Compared to the impossible grandeur of the Universe
So many other Worlds
Not only in my neighborhood called the Milky Way
But other worlds
Farther than my own imagination can ever take me
How far does it stretch?
Is there no end?
Can I "cross-over" to some other existence?
The patterns rhyming in nature
Over and over again I see them
The tiniest electron orbiting the Atom
Just as the Planets orbit the Sun
As the Sun orbits the Galaxy
As the Galaxy orbits the center of the Universe
Now I look out, not up
And I am awed by what is out there
Waiting to be discovered
So many new things
So new that I can never comprehend their true nature
Because my feeble mind is incapable of understanding
That which God has created, but not explained
And I wonder...
Is there someone, or something
That is looking out from their world
At me?
Wondering what wondering?
Thinking what I am thinking?
I wonder...
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