Gathering Stones (Free verse) by Jill Stockinger
I am collecting stones
They are free and no one
Stops me from gathering them
I fill my hands with stones
Stones know this world
They know the power of cold
And heat, have lived through loss
And displacement, and have learned
The need to hide the secret birth
Of bright crystalline growth
I am no thief, breaking the
Rocks to steal their jewels
I was judged by black-robed men
Wrapped in false piety who
Stole and sold my child
This loss haunts my days
And poisons my sleep
History is packed dense and full
Inside each rock but I do not
Wish to crack them open
My soft worn fingers weep red tears
In my drive to decipher the gift of
Stories from the faces of stones
It is slow work reading the stones
The stones are plentiful and heavy
They weigh me down
So I do not blow away
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