Random FaceBook Poem. (Free verse) by SupremeDreamer
Random FaceBook Poem.
AHHH.. whats on my mind... let the thoughts entwine, my soul unwind, let
us dine 'pon the feast of beast:
the breath of god
an uncompromising wind
I posses the rod
of wine, 'llows me to bend
unto the breath
yearnin' for painless death
so many messages to send
to ears that hear
of the years no one heard
not a sound, yet the world turns
round again, while m'soul burns
these truth ye must bear
whilst they all stare, wonderin'
why and where
have you come stumblin'
here to drink our simple fare?
Why art thou here?
To remind thee of what
thou hast forgotten
pages of sin
that god has not forgotten.
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