Make It To Heaven (Free verse) by forsaken
As I'm far away from any place that could give me a homelike feeling
A place that when I ever get good emotions it's stealing
Take it right from me like I'm a fat boy and they got my cake
I hang out with people but they don't know my smiles are all fake
This place just won't allow me to feel anything real
Like my face ain't my own the skin has been peeled
Who is this man that looks back from the mirror at me
Could he possibly see all the same things I see
When I look around all I see is time slippy away
Time is running short leaving doubt I'll ever see the day
That day when I'll beable to say that I'm truily happy
In love like one of those movies that are real sappy
With every passing day I feel that dream of mine shrinking
At times it leaves me wondering what was I thinking
When I came up with the idea that one day I could have it all
Cause really when you make it to heaven all you can do is fall
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