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The Butterfly (Free verse) by krzywonos123
A caterpillar is born, breathing its first breath it is filled with the beauty of the world. It looks to the horizon and sees the rising sun, the morning dew still fresh on the grass, the warmth of the sun warms the air and all is perfect for the new life. Life has begun anew for many, it is spring, and all are young. The baby birds are chirping, the little cubs still blinded; waiting for their chance to see this new world they have been born into. They are still vulnerable but are under the protection of their mother, the caterpillar, however, is on his own. He doesn't mind though, he always wanted to be on his own. He lives in the present and right now all he cares about is absorbing the world, he sees life everywhere he looks, then he sees the most angelic creature of the land. It is beautiful, it soars above him, flapping his wings high above the rest of all other life. The caterpillar is in awe of this new animal, it is bright and vibrant, in heavenly shades of orange and deep yellows, it seems to blend in with the sunrise, it adds its color to the picture painted by the ascending star. Time passes and all of the young animals start to grow up, as does the caterpillar. The caterpillar operates on instincts as well, in search of food all the time, getting what it needs to survive. It is still perfectly normal in his own eyes. Time passes and the caterpillar is now in his ca coon. He isn't sure how long it will take but he can feel himself changing. Something is wrong, he knows this is natural but it seems he has been in his ca coon longer than he should have been. He is trapped though, and he can't get out. Finally he breaks free. He is thirsty and still operates on his primal instincts and searches for water. He finds a puddle and as he approaches he can start to see the reflections of the world around him, he can see it, and everything has changed. The young cubs have changed into vicious wolves, feasting on those who are weak, and the little chicks he heard so far away are now ferocious hawks, sitting high in the tree tops, watching over all their dominion, and punishing the smaller creatures who leave themselves vulnerable. The world he once knew had been corrupted by itself, those instincts had changed into every living creature for itself. Those born weak had no chance, and those born strong abused their power. His eyes had been opened to the true evils of nature, and it seemed that all others had been blinded by the bright summers sun. All was wrong, while he was in his cocoon the world had changed itself, and the worst part was that he didn't see any of it happen. Reality had finally slapped him in the face, he was in a world he didn't know. He, however, didn't seem to change. He continued to approach the puddle and he could see the sun on the horizon, the night was approaching. He continued to get closer and closer and he could see more and more until a leaf fell from a near bye tree, it was fall. He reached the puddle, his vision off the waters surface still distorted, he began to drink. Just as he was going to leave the rippling water started to settle. Something was starting to appear, he couldn't quite make out what the figure was. He waited patiently for the water to settle and finally it started to take shape, he was startled. He saw that beautiful angel he saw before. It had the same colors, but something was different. It was not soaring above the ground like before, it was under the water staring back at him.

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xxx67.172.190.2530January 16, 2007 2:38 PM PST
Anonymous213.55.89.83April 15, 2006 12:48 AM PDT

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