Thank You (Free verse) by pnaipoet
With out you here
I dont know where I'd be.
You are the one that sees good in me.
I'd like to thank you,
So here is where I'll start,
Thank you for having me in your heart,
with out you I'd fall apart.
Thank you for being a friend,
i know our friendship will never end.
Thank you for so much love,
you are truely sent from above.
Thank you for making me smile,
that smile will last for a awhile.
Thank you for being there when I'm sad,
I hope at times i never made you mad.
Thank you for always trying,
I'm sorry you had to see me crying.
Thank You, Thank you is all i can say,
and if I have to I'll say it everyday.
I hope you know for everything that you do,
i will always do the same for you.
So if you need anything dont be shy,
I'll never be the one to pass you by.
Before i go I'm saying thanks again,
jus remember I'm here for you till the end.
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