The girl who is never enough expects too much (Free verse) by jlynnwall
The girl who is never enough expects too much
Picked up the receiver and put it back down
A thousand times before you never call
In the very few seconds between your last call
Your ring's quiet says... too much
While my silent phone shouts... never enough
Fingers only graze the hard keys
A hundred imaginary strokes
Before your reply never comes through
In the pounding heartbeat between your last message
Your keystroke's pause whispers... too much
While my still screen wails... never enough
Adoring stares kiss your eyes
A million times before you never look back
In the several winks between your last glance
Your vibrant gaze speaks... too much
While my blind eye seeks... never enough
Trembling hands fall to your touch
A dozen times before you never reach out
In the short breath between your last stroke
Your calm position quivers... too much
My shaking body writhes... never enough
The girl expects too much.
The girl is never enough.
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