salt and vinegar potato chips SUCK (Free verse) by skaskowski
i hardly set the story straight;
like parsley placed upon a plate
to garnish or admonish
any stain left by dishonesty.
"But Darling, if you follow me
past dawn, we'll darn this quilt with yarns
of silk to warm our frozen legs
and charm each shard of ice away."
Each strand of words
a sentence blurred
by senseless lapses of distraction.
Roots worming throughout
the soil,
oily bodies burrowing.
A furrowed brow,
a worried action
working toward self-satisfaction
scurries through this interaction.
Fools must surely use this rationale.
I finally set this story straight.
Yes, vinegar invented her,
fermented past its potent state.
She came to me, she sang for me.
And left a stain upon my plate
to garnish or admonish
all attempts to reach for decency,
she lied to me. she lied to me.
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