After A Love is Lost (Free verse) by pinay_miss_azn
The pain never goes away...
It stays forever...
Its the kind of pain that has no cure
It cuts right through your heart
leaving it empty and broken
Days pass, Weeks pass
still the pain remains..
counting your tears you've shed
would be like standing in the rain...
Seeing your sad and lonely face
would be like seeing a painting of Mona Lisa
torn apart... into little bits of pieces...
But not even that can compare to how heartbroken
your face is looking...
The pain inside your heart
feels like a hundred knives cutting through you...
You want it to stop...
You want the pain to go away..
You want to be free and happy again..
You want to stop wasting your tears..
But there's only one way to start
It's the hardest step you might ever have to take..
Years later...
You're heart has been repaired..
You're happy again...
you've stopped crying..
You met the man you've waited your whole life for..
You've moved on..
The pain is over...
All thats left is a scar..
an invisible scar that you'll always remember...
an invisible scar that can no longer hurt you...
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