A Poem of Nonsense (Prose Poem) by woodstock20000
A poem of nonsense came to me,
like parables beyond the sea.
And in my mind they came to take,
like mockingbirds within a lake.
I looked, and once again I saw,
a book, which cried like a macaw:
"Read me! Read me!" It once said,
although I swore this book was dead.
And so I looked within myself,
and found the book upon the shelf,
and read aloud from this dead tree
what was, but once, some poetry.
And on from it the words a-flew,
of mahogany, and pink, and blue -
until they rested on my chest,
and sang to me until their rest.
Then suddenly the storm did stop -
forever gone the blissful drop.
Forlorn - a dark reality I fall...
but was I dreaming after all?
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