Bookends (Other) by INTRANSIT
Book. (N) A set of pages (bound)
along one side and encased between
(protective) covers.
I went to the bookstore
and almost bought O'Hara.
( Does he know this?)
I pondered Pound.
(It's all I can do these days.)
Over here
Joe Cool and Yellowfinch
chronicle the Red Baron
but don't know a damn thing about
Basking Robbins 31 pages!
(It's a bestseller!)
Some-body wrote a book about
how greedy Harvard has become.
( Good for him.)
Could Beethoven
Run a floor buffer?
Pascal, cut his own hair?
Shakespeare, script his death?
One well greened corporation
One well marinated c.e.o.
Add one young c.p.a.
A smattering of indecent proposals
Wrap in 4 pages of numbers.
Heat for five years.
(Serves one.)
I'm trying to read myself into a
( I need a book about Tourette's)
And we should all be so lucky to get
and forget the pain of
I found a book of (tricks)
on how to build
unabridged book bridges.
Sedition: The unextinguishable match.
Where can I find a comparo
between a firefighters diploma and
his third degree of knowledge burn?
All I find are pictures and instructions
on hundreds of knots.
( I'd better secure my mind!)
Or buy another book to
fray the rope
and send spars flailing again.
STILL, I marvel at the brilliance of stupid genious.
How to make money writing books.
(How to save money not buying books.)
Writers writing books on writing.
" Okay, that's just stupid!"
(Thank you, Will Smith.)
No books on
Terri Schiavo
(They're writing that one now.)
Periodicals. Monthly (.)
Psychology today
( Knows what I'm thinking.)
What about tomorrow?
( I want to place a bet.)
Photography today keeps reminders.
This issue: The thorax
Next issue: The hind quarter
Do survivalist magazines tell you to
use the pages for toilet paper?
(No, they leave that for poets.)
booked next door to K-Mart
to look at "Durable goods".
( I bought nothing)
Picked up a local housing guide on the way out.
I might move south
where it's safer from
and Swiss made Atomic clocks.
Come visit.
I'll be reading about the reading habits of
Marty Feldman
While I wait for God
to throw the book at us.
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