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Not Allowed (Free verse) by MarchingMan56
When I feel like dancing Why am I not allowed? When I want to belt it out Why does the mic disappear? Why I want to laugh Why are you so sad? When I want to cry Why don't the tears come out? When I want to run like I've never run before Why are the laces knotted together? When I want to go out and play Why does it always rain? When I want a hug Why are you too busy? When I want to make you smile Why do you walk away? When I want to scream Why does my throat close up? When I want to breakdown Why do I remain standing? When I want you to love me Why are you not allowed?

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 20, 2005 6:34 AM PDT
Anonymous68.51.110.210February 25, 2005 7:52 PM PST

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