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Questions (Other) by blackdeathangel6
Were hearts meant to be broken? Was love made a game? Why’s everyone always jokin’? Why is life so lame? Where we meant to have best friends? What’s the point of school? Why do people’s lives just end? Who is full of “bull”? Was a sword meant to kill? What’s the point of shoes? Why do we pay the bill? Why do all cows moo? Why am I made a fool? Why do we wear hats? Who’s gonna clean the pool? Why do we fear bats? Why do we argue over things? What’s with pumpkin pie? Why do butterflies have wings? Why do we all die?

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xxx68.166.37.1850June 26, 2005 7:52 AM PDT
Anonymous66.159.217.938November 25, 2004 5:28 PM PST

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