"and he was staring at her the entire time..." (Free verse) by anonymoussong
Sometimes, it still hurts me.
A comment passes unnoticed, until I stop. Think.
I run and hide, it's better that way.
Instead of examining evidence everywhere I turn.
A separation, enforced by both,
helped by lives so full we don't have time to meet,
even when we want to.
I want to weep, to grieve for the loss of him.
I want to put it in the ground, and hold the wake of a dead love.
Pink Roses, Lillies and Daffodils adorn my chamber, waiting, watching,
yearning for the sun to light their silken petals.
He was never mine as he is hers.
I never made the running.
He never loved me, but consumed by lust he came.
I loved his kindness, his beauty, his reasons for every little thing,
his acknowledgement of when those reasons were nonsense.
I loved his intelligence, his wit and his weakness,
but he was staring at her the entire time.
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