For Beth, after anal intercourse (Free verse) by zodiac
This girl I know gets off on
anal insertion.
But she's not a bad person,
really, and doesn't do it as often
as some who do it for something other than fun.
It's just that she'd rather be done
from behind
if a guy's inclined:
in a stockroom
on a night-shift,
with her smock bunched up at her midriff.
And of course, having tried it (once,
though never as receiver,)
I would like to disbelieve her:
there's a dirty politics to asses, when cunt's
fine enough, and I've trouble with mixing up pleasure and hurt -
"Hush," she says, shrugging off her skirt,
"hush, love - come, love. For nothing's certain
but rare joy you take for yourself wherever you can find it.
And if it's shared in the end's
more fleeting than coincidence;
so come, I won't mind it -
and when you're there,
I swear
you won't know better or care."
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