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My Love (Free verse) by PeRsIaN^StAr
You have this power over me, This indescribable, undeniable, unmistakable power. You consume my mind. You invade my thoughts. You are the ruler of my dream world. You bring a smile to my face, A sparkle to my eyes, And a tear to my cheek. Your voice is like a sweet song, I am hearing for the first time. You take my breath away, With the simplest things your lips utter. You make me feel weightless, As though I could float up, And touch the heavens above. You make me look at life through new eyes, Eyes that have never seen the light of day, Until now. I feel as though I am using all my senses, For the first time, And suddenly everything I once knew, Is now unfamiliar to me. You fill every cell in my being, With joy, love and happiness. You make me want to stand up, And scream at the top of my lungs, "I LOVE YOU, more than words could say." You make my heart soar, Like a bird in flight. But most of all... You are you, and I love that. It is this intense power you have over me, Which gives me strength, hope, and new meaning. You are my sun, my moon, my evening star, My light, my life, my love. You are my destiny. You are "THE ONE", The only one, The guy I love. As I write this poem for you, I find the words come naturally to me. It's as if this pen is an extension of my heart, And my heart is guiding it across the paper. Every letter, every word, every stroke, is meant to be. As we are. This is my love to you!

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sk8rs_rule_all70.117.31.1847May 22, 2007 2:48 PM PDT
xxx68.166.37.1850June 24, 2005 12:51 PM PDT
berdabear198.81.26.477September 16, 2004 6:42 PM PDT
Anonymous147.226.184.13110September 16, 2004 10:25 AM PDT

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