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(A)Gnostic (Free verse) by Nicholas Jones
Failing eyes, and more senses become lost Lines into whiteness of a person cut off. Leaving behind my intent to deceive, Time to restate some things I believe: Myopic eyes Transmit only blurs Without aid. I cannot tell if they have intent to deceive, But I’m already bored of stating things I believe. Because they Lead you nowhere Nothing here but Lines through whiteness. That lead nowhere, Only here where I cannot stay: Burning eyes, my life has become lost Forced into firelight through theories of cost. We all reserve the right to deceive, I wish I could know that I do not believe. More sense Of being lost, I used believe in nothing And then construct things To believe. But then mistrust them Because they are constructs. But everything is a construct I know this because I have read it In books by people cleverer than me. Who spend their days in scholarship and never watch bullshit on TV We laughed but didn’t understand. We read until our eyes stopped. Cut off. Only white lines now: Failed eyes, all senses now are lost. Lines into whiteness from you are cut off. I confess I had only intent to deceive. Trying to remember if I ever believed.

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xxx68.164.242.1510June 10, 2005 2:17 PM PDT
lukehanney144.173.6.769October 9, 2004 3:45 PM PDT
eliastemplar81.23.201.229October 6, 2004 9:28 AM PDT
Anonymous24.130.62.639September 1, 2004 11:35 AM PDT
rnsbreeze198.81.26.715September 1, 2004 6:28 AM PDT

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