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The Haiku (Haiku) by beakism
People only write Haikus because they're much too Lazy to write more

Up the ladder: Prayer For The Church
Down the ladder: Where are my Spectacles?

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.3125
Weighted score: 5.275249
Overall Rank: 3795
Posted: June 7, 2002 3:03 PM PDT; Last modified: June 8, 2002 11:55 AM PDT
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[10] -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 8-Jun-02/4:29 PM | Reply
I wot you were too lazy to write more as well!
[0] Twisted Wizard @ | 9-Jun-02/2:28 PM | Reply
if i could i would rate this a -10
[n/a] beakism @ | 9-Jun-02/2:29 PM | Reply
Damn, thwarted again
[1] necroscope7 @ | 10-Jun-02/10:56 AM | Reply
This is just in bad form altogether. Calling people lazy merely because they choose to create their art differently than you do is just asinine.
[n/a] beakism @ | 10-Jun-02/11:02 AM | Reply
Yet again you've got the wrong end of the stick entirely. How can I seriously be insulting the haiku by writing a haiku? By making an obviously self-contradictory statement, I'm pointing out that the haiku contains much more information than seventeen syllables of ordinary speech.
[1] necroscope7 @ | 10-Jun-02/11:28 AM | Reply
Many people use the form of something to insult it, it's called parody. Mad agazine for example makes fun of many movies, by using those movies and emphasising the poorer points of them. So you could very well be making fun of Haiku by writing it.
[n/a] beakism @ | 10-Jun-02/11:45 AM | Reply
You're right. People do make use of parody. But I haven't. I'm making a genuine statement on the validity of the haiku.
[5] deleted user @ | 11-Jul-02/10:06 PM | Reply
I appreciate the lightness of your humor, but this doesn't really fit the tradition of the haiku as I understand it, other than the syllable count.
[5] kawakurdi @ | 23-Jul-02/3:22 PM | Reply
Some only write Haikus
To draw attention, too much
[n/a] beakism @ | 4-Sep-02/3:32 PM | Reply
You, on the other hand, do not write haikus at all: the haiku is 5-7-5.
[n/a] beakism @ | 5-Sep-02/7:17 AM | Reply
Indeed, markb, and as you will have learnt from the poem, I was - being the writer of a haiku - far too lazy to make it anything like what a haiku is meant to be.
[2] Robert K Foster @ | 17-Sep-02/7:51 AM | Reply
wow. incredible insight. and all this time I thout it was an art form, dealing with the purification and distillation of imagery and emotion.
[2] hipster flare @ | 29-Sep-03/10:50 AM | Reply
People only write haikus about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about people who write haikus who write about shit.
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