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inside the raven (Other) by PsydewaysTears
The raven sings of wicked things of killer claws and blackened wings but I know where the raven cries because the light inside his eyes reflected me reflected me reflected bluebird blue-filled skies where secrets graze in compromise so many things the raven sings he sings, he sings, he sings, he lies.

Down the ladder: Holocaust

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.5
Weighted score: 5.1788044
Overall Rank: 4880
Posted: October 14, 2007 11:51 AM PDT; Last modified: October 14, 2007 11:51 AM PDT
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[10] Skamper @ | 14-Oct-07/7:53 PM | Reply
nice work - lurking evil in a gently lulling tune... always the trap. :)
[6] pete @ | 18-Oct-07/7:53 AM | Reply
don't he though
127 view(s)

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