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Drowsy (Free verse) by elderking
...and yawning came the dawn to nudge the sleepy skies of slow, summer sundays, those waltz, do-not-run days, that lounge, long and lazy in contented julys...

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.4
Weighted score: 5.0476813
Overall Rank: 6895
Posted: June 29, 2005 4:17 AM PDT; Last modified: June 29, 2005 4:17 AM PDT
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[7] deleted user @ | 29-Jun-05/5:14 AM | Reply
>>those waltz<<
Not logical.
[5] Lenore @ | 29-Jun-05/7:30 PM | Reply
Yeah, try waltzy.
[10] Dan garcia-Black @ | 1-Jul-05/5:42 PM | Reply
Those waltz days,
Those do-not-run days,
that lounge... Yeah! Great mood-ivation.
[n/a] elderking @ | 4-Jul-05/1:13 PM | Reply
Thanks for the feedback and for taking the time to read
it. I appreciate it.elderking
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