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A Beggar Speaks (Free verse) by WondrousMoment
This is the place where, lying face down in the dung-mixed mud I found a tiny thrill: a dollar bill tucked underneath a smelly mound. While getting up (cash in my cup) I heard “Why, thank you! There it is” a sleek gloved hand extended and what had been mine was once more his. I lay and sighed. Then I arose (Shit on my nose) To ask if he could spare some cash. But as I tried he went in, yes, to CVS and bought himself some body-wash.

Up the ladder: Joshua And Ruth
Down the ladder: Words

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.25
Weighted score: 5.1490035
Overall Rank: 5310
Posted: September 25, 2004 1:36 PM PDT; Last modified: September 25, 2004 1:36 PM PDT
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[7] Shardik @ | 26-Sep-04/5:41 PM | Reply
A hobo mutes
168 view(s)

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