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evolution 9 (Free verse) by wilco

up from the water across the ancient sand slow mutation at the genetic level from mammal to snake and back again straining to find a place in the universe lacking the skills necessary for survival synapses firing and gaining solid form coursing in veins not meant for living ghost stories not withstanding it's written in the stones you don't believe

wilco 25-Apr-04/6:31 PM
This was a poem that I edited into another poem and there were acouple of comments that I did'nt feel had any value to the new poem and thus were deleted. :0)
As far as your other questions:
1) I don't think snakes came from mammals either but this is an allusion to the fact that we really don't know for sure (although its an obscure line I admit)
2) Yep, all the species that had the skills for survival did survive. This line refers to one that did not.
3) I wrote this after having a conversation with an extremely devout Christian woman who completely refused to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that evolution happened, despite the historical (read: fossil) evidence.

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