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Reunion (Free verse) by syrusstone
Seduced by the promise of another doomed tomorrow,
I hum the first tune
which exploded from the tip of my forked tounge.
One word at a time
I heard the syllables die,
each already regretting yesterday
in the midst of her future lullabye.
I savor the fragmented memories
spiked with fingernail files
and stray hair ribbons
red because blood loves passion.
I'm allowed to enter
to her hearts discontent.
She peeks reluctantly behind a sweaty palm
with one angry eye
the other in love.
She won't stay long.
She doesn't feel welcome.
She is not.
Our dance stagnates.
My humming is now routine
bound by ten years of tar-pit good intentions
stuck at the knees
locked and wordless
in a time
when the diving swallow found the ground.