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No Sunday Clothes (Free verse) by wilco

A question, God, if you have time. And if you don't, well that's just fine. I'd like to know, if you don't mind, just how can you be so very unkind? I see these people from day to day, who have nothing and give it away. They turn the pages every night, and never see your shining light. Some have terrible, terrible scars, from loss and death and pain and wars. And some have voices in their head. Some, it seems, are better off dead. Still they paint your bearded visage, and that of your son, made in your image. So what do they get for their bottomless faith, but hunger and poverty...murder and rape? I do not ask for myself, you see for I have all that I'll ever need. Which confuses me that much more, I suppose. Because I need no Sunday clothes.

zodiac 5-Mar-04/8:15 PM
Yes, I'm aware that I probably sound like some giant elitist poezi to you, exactly the kind which that famous dream of being the embattled poet-of-the-age validated by time over the elitist poezi censure of his stuffy blind contemporaries would lead one to expect. And this may be true. If you're the next William Blake, all power to you. But I'm not really an elitist, just bitter today. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll be fine.

That said, I should point out that don't pretend to be able to write a great poem myself, I do know how to judge them. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the very few people on this site who actually does talk and write about poetry for a living - and a pretty decent one - rather than as some kind of hobby, on his/her lunch-break from writing code or sculpting small wooden animals. And I'm heir to a dried-meat fortune which, as I have explained elsewhere (, makes me the closest thing America has to an aristocracy. Any questions so far? Good. We'll be in touch.

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