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bitch (Other) by kthulah
what to do about the woman
who knows not her place
we have tried so hard to teach her
yet she budges not
is her concern not with our will
her fate in our hands
if not her fate perhaps her faith
does she not fear us
of what sturdy stuff were the men
in her life before
what greatness or accursedness
causes but a sigh
is sigh a sign of arrogance
what pride could she claim
can she not see us above her
she is looking up
what stars live in this woman's sky
that outshine our glare
and what darkness covers her soul
diffusing our wrath
we pummel her with all our might
our fists bleed from it
she does fall and we do kick her
until our shoes tear
and when it is over she stands
brushes off her clothes
but the only blood upon her
is from our own hands
perhaps it is stupidity
everyone knows us
everyone knows we are the man
except this woman
oh god there are more