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Joe likes "DYNAMITE"! (Lyric) by horus8

Joe likes dynamite He's high-strung, uptight, never-scared, racing into midnight He drives a muscle car, bored out, recompressed, powered just right He's blue-collar quick, sparks his camels with a Bic Like a crack-pipe Cuz Joe digs dynamite Joe's not one to sleep He drinks Mountain Dew voodoos Like a banshee all week Playing Ouija board with his pet parrot justly named Tweak It's an LSD dream with a talk-show theme that's turned bleak Cuz Joe can't speak Joe's with the NRA He swears up and down Like a sailor on leave that his whole damn family's gay He's got a fuse for the task with a half-empty flask, and he's gonna make 'em pay With the dynamite That should make things right Cuz Joe digs dynamite So, Joe consults the Pope When he can't cope with the trials of the day And he's used up all his dope But the thirty-ought-six in his closet likes to say, "Joe, don't lose hope", man.. "Joe, use dynamite"! That should make things right Cuz Joe digs dynamite!

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 7-Aug-02/7:44 PM
Tsk tsk. This is horus8's birthday surprise, is it? A non-musical version of an already almost too exciting, freely available song... (or should I call it "track" as all us underground DJs do?) Anyway I have a sort of problem with people using names in poems. It always seems to me that using a name in a poem is one of the most smug and lame things you can do. Viz my poem 'A leak in reality'. I should have just said 'his'. Like that FUCKING OFFSPRING SONG 'blah blah blah' (that's not what its' called probably) where it's like "17 shannon is pregnant", you've really said a lot there by saying that she was called "shannon". It makes it more true and real. To be honest I don't think that's what's going on here. Blah blah I suppose to win your admiration and the replacement of any 'grin's in my name with an 'a' all I have to do is say this poem is great I loved it wow damn good but actually I didn't. I mean there's interesting imagery and then there's just bollocks. Banshees have nothing to do with staying up or drinking mountain dew voodoos all week or .

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