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The Love Poem (Concrete) by William Delacroix

... o i'd love to love you from the outside in flesh for flesh skin for skin foreskin love me with all your organs i'd love to love you til you bleed i love it when you hurt me heal me save me love me my love for you is a vulva exploding blossoming b l o o m i n g on the inside where i'd love to stay i'd love to say i love you more than pain i love you with all my nerve endings i wish i knew how to love myself i love this poem i love the way my love burns on your tongue i'd love to love you til you come (apart) in my hands i'd love to let my taintedness desecrate your innocence for the first time all over again and again and again i love you i love you you like i love a poem with a good end -ing

Y2kSlamPoet 31-Aug-03/7:42 PM
Most of it is things ive heard before.. love is a subject that is cursed due to it being overdone, but you still managed to pull it off, somehow, with the heart thing and so on.. slightly out of order, but oh well, you get an 8.

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