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Spit wad (Other) by Shardik

Mcdonald's straw Case of crabs Expired hall pass Crummy locker Underclassmen friends No car No job No future Polish strip wax ego "Yes, no, maybe so. Maybe the computer is small enough to bring with during one's daily activities. Hence, making your comment " unintelligible, whatever that fucking means" lol. Pure enough for manure? hmmmmm, are you saying while I scoot about with my teeth upon a joystick I am perhaps missing something that you have your nipples pasted firmly onto the pulse of? Good lord, and not being able to accept comments? You're mad. I've dished out much worse and received the purest manure in return I can assure you. Him and I both. Him more so than I, naturally, being that he is a gay pirate and I'm just gay, care for a carnation? 'Tis pink. Maybe when your poetry involves more then just ' you' you'll mature and understand what good story telling is. But up until that point, rest uncomfortably in knowing, your writing is pure teenage shit hardly worth the paper you'll be glad one day that you didn' t write it on. Your poetry is one dimensional, at its best, and chicken scratch the rest of the time, and that sweetheart is why no one gives a fuck, but your pops. So get over it and quit whining. Write about life outside of your makeup mirror and you'll see more people responding I gurantee that. I bet you thought because you were young and slutty and scarred we'd care or be more empathetic concerning your poetry? Sorry, this is poem ranker, not Get over it, and write something worth a fucking vote, as you can see, him and I, between the two of us, have voted easily on over 5,000 pieces, and I can gurantee that when good poetry pops up it gets high ranks. horus8 alone has given out 300 tens, so it's not a conspiracy against you lovey, you're just a bad paranoid poet, we've all been there, just improve, or move on, but christ, do shut up until you can back it up. " Bullseye. Mission accomplished base this is threeleggedpuma over and out, clearance code turkey chirpe seven niner.

Bachus 28-May-03/10:07 PM
Dirty pool mate. Loved it!

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