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Wildcatting The Canard: (Free verse) by horus8
Fear, has banded together all of my senses.
Love, has been swept under the dog's rug.
Hate, is stoking my wood burning stove.
Lust, is the corrupter in all of my choices.
Greed, is the factor behind all of my goals.
Faith, is a harlot that I sleep with too often.
Revenge, a trunk toting cousin staying for the weekend.
Tomorrow, is a time that I choose not to remember.
Yesterday, her pond reflection under my skipping stone.
Family, is a picture held not by a squared frame.
Possessions are labeled and boxed into storage.
Alone, in this cabin with one bowl of porridge.
Denial, the way that I dance to forget spin,
but nothing was really that funny, now was it?
Overpriced, I canât catch up...<Easter>
Trailing behind this marathon of madness...<Christmas>
Organization, my only asset...<Fourth of July>
Reflected fraying sanity...<Birthday>
Fine spun, I must seem seem-less...<Halloween>
Look again at this chasm crawl...<Memorial Day>
I know this crater all too well...<Labor Day>
How when wet, her sides do swell...<Palm Sunday>
I felt her facets, and fissures within...<Thanksgiving>
I named this pit Faith to forget why I
made her...<Alzheimer's disease>
<Next matins>
{Big wheel-ride down Mt. Baldy}
An azure cross bear/ing the face
of Jesus. Riding on a scorp/ions
tail. Top/ped with layers as if a
cake. Prison is she/lter when shelter
is free/dom. The artist creates the
look. How free/dom is wicked to police
with cop/per badges. Supreme work
in folds divine impairs my out/look
on world dec/line. Molten wet pennies
from hea/ven. Stinging dry no moisture
soothes. Pud/dles of spare change
forms help/less for thieves. The paint
has clogged my pores. I'm wait/ing
in brick/clad buildings with concrete
dry sleeves. I rub the wash/ing tubes.
The stairway to plea/sure is not what
it se/ems. Back and forth with my hands,
but the filth acquired in days spe/nt
staring has scrat/ched my orbs. Now
I can't lo/ok while stuck in windows
of glass shattered blame. Bli/nd, lost
to problems, and clo/sed secure. Until
the thin/ner has cleared the outcome.
Lo/nely, way to quiet for yo/ur own
good. Co/unt the dust in my wrinkles.
Sketching pen wo/rks not for me. No
one to blame which/road was traveled
when/you/went insane. Dealing in
slaves when moneyâs/the game. Face
it, or just shut the fuck up proper.
No more green men!
On rooftops.
Lately brown spots.
On Spring grass!
Is killing the Spring scene.
One last ride on my Green Machine.
Then I'll come inside.
For real this time
Grandma, I