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Why Are We Here? (Other) by beakism

1. Shut your god damn trap: I need some fucking sleep. I wish you'd stop talking crap: Shut your god damn trap. I'm going to give you a slap If you let out another peep. Shut your god damn trap: I need some fucking sleep. 2. You've got a disgusting face - Seeing it makes me sick. Take it some other place: You've got a disgusting face. Your mother thinks you're a disgrace; Were you beaten with an ugly stick? You've got a disgusting face - Seeing it makes me sick 3. You're the biggest idiot I know; You get everything possible wrong. From your life, you've got nothing to show. You're the biggest idiot I know. It's generous to call you slow: You're a total fucking mong. You're the biggest idiot I know; You get everything possible wrong.

horus8 19-May-03/5:57 PM
"Here we are, why? (Other) by Shardik


Was that your beaver trap?
I need some fucking superglue.
I wish you'd stop writing about crap:
Was that your beaver strap?
I'm going to give you a map.
On how to find the soul-less shoe.
Was that your beaver clap?
I need some fucking friends.
That can deal with my odor.
Take out an ad for a front door ramp.
Was that your beaver trap?
No, it was mine.


You've got a disgusting idea -
That you are better then everyone.
Take it some place else:
Like to the 99 beak store.
and buy some fucking tic tacs.
Note: ask the stock boy to reach that box
of disposable diapers, since I hate his face.
Your mother thinks you're gay;
because when you're that fucking smart.
You just are, but are all rocks round?
Were you beaten with a toilet paper roll?
You've got a disgusting idea -
that you are a special person.
Of this we are convinced,
and you are.


You're the biggest blow hard I know;
You get everything possible right!
From your life, you've got family money.
And a passion to knead meat.
Now we all know you are special.
It's generous to call you a genius:
Because you're gay and open minded.
regardless of your two inch dick;
and love for shit like napkins.
How do you see over your own chin?
From that precarious level, talent.
Sir, your life inspires me, it's
like watching my tv rape an eggroll."

Here! Here! To aahhhhhhh. A toast tooooo, ah... Beaks with four holes stead three < the vikings all raise their horns, but one sad viking does not. He is ashamed to show the others the truth of his beak, that being, it's not, SHE eats with a gashed hoof a puss-ie with infection and a foul stench, she is no viking at all, she is an imposter.>

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