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Icarus up (Haiku) by horus8

Young man, old man, maze. Why not death by Minotaur? You get wings instead. I love you father. You tied a string to an ant. Sent it through a shell.

horus8 16-Dec-02/7:23 PM
no she doesn't think i'm anything more or less than what i am. there is nothing wrong with stan rice's poetry..i think it's genuine anf true to form. She works at Boston Market, and makes 8.00$ an hour as a cashier, and is the most honest and giving human being i ever met, and without even writing a poem she is already a better poet than you..innocent and magical from her soul to her skin, she was eighteen when we met barely. I don't get horny i'm a dominant submissive i get even. the chip on my shoulder is actually the size of your wifes fat ass and all the massive brain power in taos put together in bombastic technicolor through old man baggy eyed spoken poetry contests. let's see what else? i am capable of doing 100's of things at once so your right about t.v, movies, current events, music, literature, and much much more starsky. it's not a fast food restaurant it's a market/medium food establishment. my rent is 1565.00 monthly, you can figure out the car brand that equates too on your own, but i would probably say a turbo neon. clueless, that is deep, you are deep..much deeper than stan rice or locke your deep like crude it wasn't was trauma look at me crying..crying i tell you..crying out for a verb to better isolate your inner vastness and clarity your, enlightenment, but fuck that. i have a diploma from the commonwealth of Virginia. Spar? with what your superior verbage? i am no hard up housewife mr. lips that shit wont cut it with me. by the way the four car payment thing was just bait to prove once again how a drowning man will grab anything and anyone they can to survive if i told you my cock was actually a rainbow would you follow it?. stick around i'll give you even more do you like them apples? does it frighten you someone with enough curiosity about life could educate themselves in a public library in such a way, as to make the truly gifted as yourself look puffed. naw. some do it for free, some do it for their parents hard earned pennies, but you, you did it for mum..what a fine young and proper, and no fool, a teacher folks look at him go, a teacher.

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