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Ten solid facts about -=Dark Angel=-, by his biggest palm frond, me. (Other) by horus8

1) let's get this one thing straight okay, the dark one is no cad, and obviously is very serious about his theories on shit, aids, dwarfs, homos, diabetes and of course enslaved crustaceans, and let's not forget nudity, splendid faces, and how the shoe-horn can indeed replace the sole. 2) he is not goth, and never has been. except once for twenty-bucks in the eight grade, well twenty-bucks and a pair of tickets to see the cure. 3) he thinks that people who do or have done drugs are worthless and lack anything noble to say because they are weak and beakless, much like the prawne he eats and owns. 4) even though he knows every microscopically irrelevant detail dealing with british buggers, and more specifically 'the welsh' he isn't english, he's texas? and proud of it! 5)he doesn't believe in feelings or emotions because those are all just vague hurdles that we invent in our minds to deal with our overanalysed childhoods. since he was never passed through a vaginal canal (he is really marc singer from the beast master) he could actually care less. 6)he has even more time on his hands then bill clinton and a staff of maids and butlers in the nude that worship every vowel and constanant that has ever trickled out of his misshapened mouth (fell out of the back of his great uncles milk truck one fine day in april 196-). 7)he has 26 and a half user names, and a staff of midgets on secret government computers plugging away at them at all times coming up with new l33t concepts to sell to the portugese for beach front resorts in the 'soon to be' new world order. 8)was educated by an old man with sixteen nipples and an acute divinity complex somewhere in the northern mountains of spain. 9)has more important things to convey to the public than even willy wonka did on his best day. 10)is not a financial banker, nor a jew, and or wasp. he is actually an obscurely over imagined partical in space that's soon to be discovered called a WIMP ([weakly interacting massive particle] thought to be extremely heavy and rare, lingering on the outskirts of galaxies) but he is no quark nugget, that's for sure. i should know i lick his envelopes part time.

UnityMitford 5-Nov-02/6:49 AM
what happened to old Gay Angel, anyhow? he hasn't been around. and i thought he said one time that he lived in Indiana.

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