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Hoofarama the old nags ed (Free verse) by ==Doylum
T'was in the merry month of march
a courting couple beneath the arch
oh no you fool it must be may
the mad march hare was not that day
about his many wonderous chores
he was i say upon all fours
but running from the cloven hoof
with percpicacity of youth
he fled from them where er they ran
as only those of fleet foot can
quicksilver hoves persued south and west
he still leaped through his acid test
and came out on the other side
hat still in place, shalln't be denied
For though he ran t'was not for gold
nor for a blacksmiths wealth untold
For fool's may need that sparkling iron
Those martys to a well shod zion
But all that sparkles is not cloven
an argument to leave unproven
yet some may want the bread to rise
to mop the filling in their cloud bound pie
but when the rabbits between two slices
of tato bread with death he dices
for if the hunters catch him there
our brave young hare will be ensnaired
alass you say for our hero, we fear
alay suppers juices will run clear
(as will the waters of brighton pier)
for though he may not ride on hooves
a wily shank's pony he could choose
And walk for ever in pastures green
All thought of hooves a distant dream
what happened to that courting couple
all lithesome limb and body supple
did they spy the cavorting creature
marvel at his lonsome features
wonder at what might have been
if he'd indulged that other realm
Is there one more glistening hoof?
Come here dear lets search for proof