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The dancers (Free verse) by richa

I can see a henge and its stone circle of bodies, some still, some imitating the steps of a young dancer slowly retracing and then collapsing under gravity, then finding their feet again. I could see ghosts live among us colliding in the planes forged in air wandering into us, placing their hands on ours in much the same way as they. I can see them dancing again imitating shapes like a young dancer.

Stephen Robins 12-Jan-07/12:54 AM
Dege and Skinner do a splendid line in weekend wear, hunting pinks and two button, three piece suits with double venting. Suit with one or less vents are as good as a collossal tattoo on one's for'ed stating CUNT. Shirts are by Emmett and formal wear by Favourbrook of Jermyn Street. I trust you don't buy off the peg, Thieves and Hawkes have gone down hill a bit since they were taken over by some people from Hong Kong, started trying to attract the noveau rich, some of their suits look like they belong in Oswald Boateng's shop, and he's a darkie.

On a seperate matter, why is it always the deeply unpopular people from school who attend reunions and dinner functions? Obviously in Burgers case it was a self serving opportunity to show off his reduced cheeks and explain how tremendously succesful he is selling mobile telephony equipment at phones 4 U.

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