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Ode to the Irish Pub (Ode) by mindsigns

Over in Kinsale the band began to wail the drinks were flowing freely to the different types of people who've come in to share a jar or to keep their troubles far where a pint might make a difference in every reminiscence. Well, we're drinking and we're drinking we're drowning and we're thinking that this night might last forever and no more nasty weather with our pockets full of holes as we gather down the dole The women are in protest for their lack of beauty rest. Raise your hand if you are sober then we'll bring another over you don't want to be left out from this lovely Irish stout. Let us toast our merry glasses and try not to act like asses because we're Irish and we're proud but we're getting rather loud singing.. "We drink to live, we drink to die we drink to laugh and cry we drink to O'Kenary and the lonely passerby we drink and dance to old romance we drink for loved ones lost. Drink up to all those memories no matter what the cost."

Stephen Robins 25-Jul-06/4:01 AM

The Irish are the most overrated bunch of cunts in the whole world. The U.S. has two causes as far as I can see the Jews and the Irish. Both are a bunch of selfish fuckwits with a persecution complex. Both are money grabbing but the Irish have the differentiator of being alcoholic pikeys who make their money by building road whilst the Jews are better at building walls.

I absolutely detest any lionisation of a romantic Ireland that quite honestly doesn't exist. The Irish are a bloated bunch of uncultured pisshead estate agents trying to turn Ireland into a gigantic mass of concrete. If James Joyce were in Dublin today he would not recognise it as the Irish try, in a distinctly pikey manner, to instil a class system and copy the Yuppie habits of their more successful, talented neighbours the Welsh.

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