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Three Skinheads (Free verse) by Caducus
In the summer of nineteen eighty five
I sewed sunlight through my fingers
As my friends threaded conkers.
I found a den of dead jews
On a grave of Marlboro
Burning like hatred.
Three Skinheads saw me in their den
Cornered me by my road less travelled
Slit throat eyed and green gloved
hit me like Mussolini on rope
two zips birthed my lifelong scar.
Childhood drowned in the kaolin
I held on to roots like my Father
Watching sticklebacks pass me
As if I was algae
They left laughing with my bike.
I ran like my wounds
Down a well travelled road
Never told a soul
That I lost mine
When three skinheads found me.
That place is still there
With the boy in the brook
Sewing sunlight through fingers
To cover his darkness.
I went there last week
The taste of them remained
But the child had left the brook
To holidays with my family
And all that was bleeding
Was sunset on the brook.