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Romans 8:28 (Lyric) by amanda_dcosta

I sit here alone deep in thought What will my future bring me? It's so uncertain, and distrought There's million things that scare me. There's dreams not met, there's hopelessness, And feelings of despair For each time I thread on this path I'm scared and run away. Yes, this is life as we see it Its common where we live To turn around, and with a bound to gallop out of reach. But, when i met my Saviour, He changed my life around, He held me with his loving arms, And carried me right on. And now I live with courage, I do not fear the night For by the name of Jesus I see the light. I see the light that guides me I see the light that shines Inside me, growing brighter As with love in me he smiles. He gives me hope to dream on He gives me hope to grow And with each and every passing day I see him more and more. I am not scared or worried My spirit not forlorn There's radiant plans for me I know Because I love him so.

zodiac 30-Dec-05/6:25 AM
What bothers me more about this conversation is that Dovina's basically saying The proof of God is that things are reasonable. That is, if you count one plum and one plum, you always end up with two plums and not, say, five plums or an infinite number of goldfish. If you did get five plums or infinite goldfish, Dovina would likely say that's proof of God.

MORAL: God exists because things are logical. God exists if things are illogical.

I think this is because Dovina doesn't have a very good idea about math, language, God, logic or plums. But that's just me.

Amanda, I'm trying. Really I am.

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