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Through the channel (Free verse) by amanda_dcosta
Going from home to class and back
I travel in a boat that's packed
Amidst the changing tide
And land stretched out on either side.
The land on my right I see
That's filled with butterflies and trees,
Pure green grass - their scents' a wonder
With sunshine brightening the land that's under.
The land on my left I see
With houses practically touching the sea
Over-population, fights and threats
Where life's real difficult - full of debts.
The land on my right is calling me
To come away from reality
To feel the peace and serenity
Of love's true identity.
But the land on my left pulls me back
To visualise the intense black
Of what I think and do and say
Calling me back to do repair.
We do travel this channel daily
We do see the land and trees,
We do hear the cries of birds
Despite life's difficulties.
Yet, do we pause to meditate
Upon the mystery -
Of the land that's viewed both left and right
Made for you and me.