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Sosomizing My Way Into Heaven (Glosa) by Bachus
I get off of work at a quarter till eight.
After scoring some smack I procrastinate
Hanging the neighbours dog with its
Own small intestines, and serving it
back to them as a delicatessen.
Instead I head to the local Cathedral,
and find myself a stray underage nun.
Inching up, pew by pew, I get within
Striking distance, and I get the job done.
Hand over her mouth, I drag her to
the rear. I restrain her, then gag her,
and make sure the coast's clear.
Then I drag her out nude, for the lord
to see, me double dip with the urgency
Of a man bent on more than sodomy,
But obviously, clearly, ready to prey
On this virgin bent in front of me.