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Edges (Free verse) by Blue Magpie

I have loved the edges of things. There the overlapping patterns make the formed crack and bleed moments of pregnant opportunity back into reality, seeding it with new possibility. The edges of days have blessed my sight, moments when the dark and the light perform their ancient changing of the guard. In the crashing of their power I have touched a flower, a shard of burning colour, hurled to me from high above the world. I know the edges of the land, the sea, a warm and fetid swamp where rainbows used to stand, and replicators came to romp. Where life at last began to be and death was born, while pain and love were only shadows in the dawn. I have gone along the edge of field and forest where sunlight sprinkled green haunts the little spaces in between, and diversity sees fit to manifest itself in more abundant ways than either parent knew in better days. I have lived on the edges of society where piety, and hungers, still to learn their lies, to earn their lives, go hunting through the lost and sleeping souls of those who have no goals, and pay each day anew the cost, for this and senseless dreams. I have worried at the edges of consciousness, pushed back the boundaries of my mind to see what I could find. And I have drunk the waters of distress for I confess, to seeing truths, which having lived too long forget the light they once called home and in their way of growing strong become enslaved to might and lose themselves in all they seek to own. Some friends might say that I have wandered far too long upon the edges of insanity where dreaming forces play and those who live in fantasy believe that they can be some future truth if only they could make themselves perceive. But I have touched the edges of the wise and seen the beauty of their lives, and I have flown, on other worlds, and known, in other words, the reasons for it all. These edges of perception, these times when mere things all focus into one whichever way you look. The sub to subatomic I mistook for the entire universe, and shook with laughter as I learned to see, with angels, who were dancing there with me, how it is these edges set me free.

wilco 8-Sep-04/6:33 PM
Very pretty. Grows a bit stale in a couple of spots and there are some forced rhymes, but overall I like it. Been a while since I've seen you on here. Welcome back.

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